luni, 13 iunie 2011


I’ll let it burn down
I’ll set our connection to flames
I won’t try to stop it
Because I’m done playing your games.

You don’t see my side
You only look out for yourself
You don’t care about me
You just want to increase your wealth.

I have always cared
I have always looked out for you
I am always here
Why don’t you care about me too?

You’re too thick-minded
To think of how I’m feeling
Please take a good look
I did no such thing as stealing

I listened to me
I decided to care for me
I tought that was fine
But you are too blinded to see

Can’t I do something
For myself for once?
Obviously not
‘Cause my thoughts are being silenced.

Take a good hard look
At how selfish you truly are
I’m tired of this
I’m tired of this endless war.

I want happiness
Is that really too much to ask?
Why can’t I have that?
I do not want to wear this mask

I won’t run away
From these feeling that I’m feeling
I will not back down
For you, I will not be bailing

I’ll do this for me
I am tired of it always
Being about you
For once, I crave some happy days.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Sentimente III

-Chiar crezi ca daca ma suni acum si imi ceri scuze voi sterge totul cu buretele si te voi ierta?
-Nu. Tocmai de aceea vreau sa ne vedem, ca sa-ti pot explica.
-De ce? De ce vrei sa imi explici acum?
-Pentru ca meriti o explicatie. Meriti sa stii de ce am disparut asa.

In acel moment inima fetei batea atat de tare incat credea ca ii va sari din piept. Voia sa para suparata, sa tipe la el, sa-l poata certa, sa-i poata inchide telefonul, sa-l faca sa regrete. Dar nu reusea. Adevarul era ca il iertase inca de cand vazuse telefonul sunand, si numele lui pe ecran. Nu ii placea faptul ca era asa de iertatoare, de slaba, de naiva.

-Ok. Merit o explicatie. Dar, te rog, daca stii ca acea explicatie ma va rani mai mult decat sunt acum, prefer sa nu o aud.
-Dar nu vrei sa stii adevarul?
-Din moment ce ai spus “adevarul”, inseamna ca exista sau a existat si o minciuna si sincer, prefer sa traiesc cu impresia ca totul a fost perfect intre noi.
-De ce spui “a fost”? inca poate fi.
-Si daca dispari din nou? Ai idee cum e? La ceea ce am simtit eu te-ai gandit? Nu! Pur si simplu te-ai inchis in tine cu 13 mii de lacate, iar pe mine m-ai lasat pe dinafara, singura si nedumerita. Nu cred ca as mai suporta sa faci asta din nou.
-Tocmai de asta vreau sa-ti dau o explicatie. Sa intelegi ca nu se va mai intampla, sa intelegi de ce nu se va mai intampla. Sa intelegi ca…
-Nu, nu pot asa!, si inchide telefonul, din nou.
Fetei inca nu-i vine sa creada. Ramane cu telefonul la ureche si se uita in gol. Simte ca nu mai poate respira. Ochii parca ii sunt inundati cu lacrimi pe care nu le mai poate stapani. Suspina fara incetare!

joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Sweet Childhood

Dear Parents. Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinnochio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can't blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age.